Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Diary 5

we checked the stage at the hawth today and spoke to a technican who told us all the questions that we al had to ask him. like any hazards and if any of equipment on the list was in the price which it is . also i discovered where and how the hostess and anomanies would come out of the dreesing room and on to the stage and then found any fire exsits . one of the questions which i asked was wether i could put up any posters or banners and red carpets which we will have to get are selvs. the only problems with posters or banners is behind the host there will be a cortan which will come off the wall by a meter given the stage 4-75 meters. and between me and joal enerything to do with producers has been sorted.........

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

diary 4

today i have made my first headline idea and desided to put my self down for producer and prodject manager. and for this i obviosly will have help and miantain how the production of the night and the actual event runs and making sure thing that are decided are reach able and not too time comsuming or too difficult for every one. also will have to make shore that every thing is on time and running smoothly aswell as every one turning up on time. with beeing project manager i will have to make sure every thing is happening with in the time bounderies also make every one who is working with in the project is doing what they are supost to.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Diary 3

today i made another poster but this time used publisher. also have been asked what the requirments are for this assyment. which are to identify and plan a responce to a live brief ( awards evening at the Hathw theartre ) for the 23rd of june that starts at 18:30 and ends at 20:00 and then design posters, advurts which use internet radio and visule. and then come up with awards, nomanies, and how the event will run.
to achive this i will have to come up with some kind of list to order out what must be done first to last. and each lesson i will obviusly do as much as i can in the indavidual and group work as i only have about two - three weeks to complete the work beofore the event. the paper work, research and designing for the night should and will take up the time i have with in class each lesson and if i fall behind which shouldnt happen i will complete the work afet college in my own time. to make sure every thing stays with in the limit i will make a time table which will start with day one and go on to the end. on the other side of the table it will say what to do and what was done on that day. so which mean that each element will be complete with in each lesson .

Diary 2

last week, last lesson i started to think about posters for the awards night and came up with two so far next i will make some more idease and then to go on to publisher to finalise one of my ideases.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Diary entry 1

today i was given the brief to third project of this year. what i have to do with other or by my self (which i havent thought about yet) and organise an awards evening for the 23rd june which will start at 18:30 and finish at 20:00. And i will have come with a name for the event, names of the awards, come up with nomanies for those awards, advertise it in any way possible and much more.
Also today i have been looking at different web sites that talk for about award events that are to come and ones that have not happened yet. so far i have looked at the NME awarads. from that i found that there audience is aimed at mianly the youth of today as most of the band are of todays culter. the details that they give are of the date for the U.S NME awards event which as put is on the 23 april and they also talk about what awards are up for grabs and who are the anomanies.